Burleson County Open House and Support Group Launch
Date and Time
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Arrive: 5:30pm
Greet, Meet, and Snack: 5:30-6:00
About NAMI and Q&A: 6-6:45
Farewell: 6:45-7
Caldwell Civic Center
103 TX-21
Caldwell, TX 77836
Contact Information
Nami Brazos Valley Information Line: 979-774-4713
Burleson County Open House and Suppor...
NAMI Brazos Valley & Burlseson County will be hosting an open house at the Caldwell Civic Center. They will be sharing resources and what NAMI BV can bring for you. Come out, meet the team, learn what NAMI has to offer and how we can all help and the stigma of mental illlness in the Brazos Valley.